
PH: How Low Can You Go?

This week's PhotoHunt theme is LOW and I've selected a variety of uses of that word for all of these photos.

Which card is low? Well, it depends on what game you're playing?

Here are my scales. When I stand on the scales, the number is never LOW enough!!!

There was a full moon this week. By the time I took this photo in the early, early morning, the moon was LOW.

Our part of South Carolina is called the Lowcountry. The Lowcountry is an area of beaches, old homes, magnificent trees, gorgeous flowers and so much more. So, here are a few Lowcountry scenes.

The walls in my house have Lowcountry scenes as well.

And, speaking of low, here's our South Carolina governor, Mark Sanford, the one who said he was out hiking the Appalachian Trail on Father's Day weekend. Instead of the trail or home with his wife and four sons, he was in Argentina with his mistress - and no one knew how to get in touch with him for 5 days! He neglected his family and our state. How LOW can you go?

To see other photos from around the world in the weekly Photo Hunt, click here.


YTSL said...

Good takes on the theme, Sherry. Love what I got to see of the Low Country on a road trip I took with a friend from Philadelphia down to Beaufort, South Carolina, and back.

As for the scales: I definitely share your feelings about their numbers not being as low as I'd like! ;(

julie said...

I love those beach photos!

Oh and that governor, ugh! Our president on the other hand had a usd20K dinner at Le Cirque in NY just this week. Now that is a low too, considering millions of our fellowmen are marginalized poor.

gigi said...

Loving the Low Country. And these low pictures cracked me up!

RJ Flamingo said...

I think you covered all the low bases on this one, Sherry! Great post!

Have a great weekend!

Teena in Toronto said...

Lotsa lows!

I played too :)

Christi said...

Great lows, looks like you looked Hi and Low for you takes on the theme. Thanks for stopping by and have a blessed weekend.


Heidi said...

Now that was a "low" blow. But very deserved! I had a hard time with this weeks theme, but you excelled at it. Great job, your pics are great!
Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

Gattina said...

Very nice interpretations of low ! what a variety, except cows, lol !
I found the word in my dictionary.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Beautiful photo's.

LifeRamblings said...

great series of photos especially the Low Country views. Happy weekend.

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Whooaaaa! LOL!! LOVE the last one.

Nuts, I just remembered that where I live is the lowest area of New York State, and I didn't include it! Oh well.

Great post, as always!
Mine is up. I hope you can come visit!
New York Traveler.net Photo Hunt

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Beautiful photos of the lowcountry. I love it.

As for the gubner... that's LOW!

Brita said...

Great take on the theme with this series. I have the same problem with my scale too...

jams o donnell said...

Great seloection. A great hand if you are going for a five card trick. As for March Sanford. I would imagine that his political career is in a downturn at teh moment!

Carver said...

You did a great job with this theme. So many good ideas and shots! Happy Saturday.

kayerj said...

great interpretations, and pictures. my photo hunt is here Thanks

ohmygums said...

Whoa! that's lots of "low" ..I had a hardtime thinking what i should post on this weeks challenge :)

Race said...

wow you have many takes on the theme, all are nice photos, i enjoyed reading and viewing your low entries!


Annie said...

Great collection. Love seeing the photos of the beautiful low country.

Rebecca Ramsey said...

That silly number on the scale is never as low as I'd like!

Anonymous said...

Somehow you managed to run the gauntlet from the ACE to the JOKER with lots of enjoyment in the middle.

Syd said...

I like what Dana said.

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