Today, I’m the grandma who goofed. And I’ve only been a grandma for five months! I wonder how many more times I’ll get bad marks.
It happened like this. Son-in-law Adam’s grandfather died, not unexpectedly.
At the appropriate time, I took Harrison back to his parents and, after a brief visit, went out with my friend, The Dawg, to play trivia.
It was an emergency indeed. When I took Harrison back, I had not brought with me Eddie the Elephant! Oh, my gosh! Eddie the Elephant was lost. Mandy sounded rather frantic. I told her I would go home and look for Eddie and bring him to them if and when I found him.
I went home and, sure enough, there was Eddie the Elephant on the floor. I don’t know if I dropped Eddie or if Harrison dropped Eddie, but one of us dropped him – and like a good Eddie the Elephant, he stayed put.
Now it’s almost 10 pm. I’ve tried to reach Mandy by phone several times over the past hour to find out where I should deliver Eddie the Elephant. No answer. And since her in-laws recently moved, I don’t know where to take Eddie.
Maybe Harrison will be able to sleep without Eddie. I certainly hope so.
There’s nothing like goofing up as a grandma!
Oh man, I know what it's like to have a lost lovie. My son has a bear that HAS to go EVERYWHERE with him and it's torture if we forget him lol.
Oh it's ok! He will get it back soon enough. I love your side bar here with the people who survived having you as a mother. Priceless! Traveling from Tuesday Toot linky. Have a good one.
Harrison survived. Thanks for returning his today.
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