
PH: Scarecrows and BAGS

It's the time of year for Summerville's Scarecrows on the Square. 
Below are pictures of the scarecrow doctor, scarecrow patient and the ever-present IV bag.

Saturday is always devoted to blogland's Photo Hunt.  Earlier this week, I posted photos of some of unique and creative scarecrows in the annual display in the center of Summerville's historic district.  I promised then to post more today, including some of my favorites.  

This week's Photo Hunt theme is "bags" and that certainly fits with scarecrows; bags, sacks and pillowcases are often used in making scarecrows.  Sometimes bags are filled with dry leaves, straw and other such things to plump up the figure. 

This display is one of my favorites.  It's sponsor is Small Wonders Imaging, a local ultrasound business.  The pregnant scarecrow is having an ultrasound performed.  There just might be a large bag in that outfit!

Here's another favorite, perhaps because I can identify with the woman who needs to get to a salon to have her roots colored.  Instead of hiding her head in a bag, she's putting her head - and roots - in the ground.

Great scarecrows to advertise a rehabilitation group, don't you think?

Happy Halloween!  

To visit other Photo Hunt participants and see what kind of bags they came up with, click here.


jams o donnell said...

Haha they are wonderful! Happy weekend

Ladykli said...

Your community is VERY creative!! I loved looking at all the different scarecrows. How fun those must be to make and look at!

Check out my bags.

bing said...

a lot of creative takes for the scare crows!

CY said...

Ooohh..scary scarecrows! Haha. We dont celebrate that much over here in Thailand though. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

These are WONDERFUL!!!! Very creative, and funny. (The roots one had me laughing so hard my dog ran out of the room.)

Mine's up: http://cybercoven.org/wordpress/?p=819

Teena in Toronto said...

Wow! That must have been a lot of work!

Happy Halloween!

I played too :)

Anonymous said...

Great scarecrows! That was quite the extravaganza. Love the way you tie it all in with the IV bag.

Carver said...

Wow, these are fantastic. What a fun and creative event and you came up with some perfect ones for the theme. I never would have though of an IV bag. Happy Halloween!

Hootin Anni said...

EXCELLENT!!!! I would love to live in a town like this....

I so enjoyed my visit.

I also skimmed down your blog and read the 'too old to Trick r Treat, and all the other photos below that.

You've been a busy, busy gal.

Have a FANGtastic Halloween. Thanks for stopping by today Sherry!!!

Susanne said...

Very creative!

Syd said...

Good scary stuff. Looks like a good time.

This site was recently updated by oxymoron13@aol.com