
WW: Scarecrows on the Square!

Our town is great!  There's so much about Summerville to like and here's just one example. 

Each fall, the square in the middle of Summerville's historic district features "Scarecrows on the Square."  Schools, businesses, doctors, lawyers, veterinarians, banks, officials, charitable organizations and clubs create scarecrows with a message. 

The scarecrows are displayed for about two weeks or so.  Families, groups and individuals stroll around looking at the various displays.  I'm sharing a few of the scarecrows today, including a scarecrow golfer and a scarecrow veterinarian.  More will be posted on Saturday during the weekly Photo Hunt.  Visit daily but definitely c'mon back Saturday!

Click photos to enlarge if necessary.

I think they're all examples of creativity and imagination.  My very favorite will be included in Saturday's post because it fits with the Photo Hunt theme this week.

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Janet said...

Oh I love them! I have a little scarecrow at home that my daughter gave me! I should post a picture of him too!

The Peach Tart said...

those are amazing

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Creativity abounds! It's fun to see community involvement... I love annual town festivals and celebrations! We live in a small town bumped up right beside Savannah (Richmond Hill) and we just had our annual Seafood Festival.

Blessings & Aloha!

Um...I spotted the ortho's scarecrow immediately :o) as a hygienist now, maybe that dental connection called out to me :o) Actually, I saw the white stick and maybe that was the stick holding his pumpkin head up...but to me I thought it was supposed to be an "exaggerated" tooth that needed attending.

jams o donnell said...

What a fun display Sherry. I love them!

Unknown said...

What fun, I'd love to see that in person!

Carver said...

What a fun event in your town. They are great. So much imagination.

Sandee said...

How fun. I don't even know if anything is going on here. Probably not.

Have a terrific day. :)

Unknown said...

Oh man! LOL Ive never seen anything like that anywhere! That looks like crazy fun!

Tara R. said...

That is a great idea! Very creative way to celebrate Halloween.

Martha said...

So fun! We have a shopping area not too far from here that has a scarecrow contest every year and then they are on display throughout the grounds for a few weeks. It is so fun to see the interpretations on the themes!

If I Could Escape . . . said...

How cool! They have a similar scarecrow exhibition in the town one over from us that I keep meaning to get to.

Happy WW!

I am Harriet said...

Hi Sherry!
Wow that looks like fun!
And the weather cooperated (unlike here).

Take care :)

Ingrid said...

We also had a scarecrow exposition in spring here in Brussels on the Grand'Place ! Isn't it amazing what creativity and ideas are behind them !

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Oh, how neat! That is a LOT of scarecrows!

Lee said...

I love those scarecrows!!

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