
Thank You to Our Veterans

America! America!  God shed his Grace on thee.
And crown thy good with Brotherhood
From Sea to Shining Sea!

Thanks to our veterans for our "sweet land of liberty."

May our liberties always remain and may they never be taken for granted.

A special thanks to some of my personal favorites:

Hubby, Karl J. Duppstadt a/k/a Dupp & The Duppster

Daughter, Tiffany Martschink - US Army

Dad, the late Ryan Shealy - USN

The Dawg, the late Carroll T. Smith - USAF

Numerous family members/relatives,
 including Ross Shealy, Ted Koon, Jack Buyer,
Steve Buyer, Pat Spence, Jud Spence, the late Judson Spence;
Veterans in my Sunday School class and church;
Countless other friends and acquaintances.

To ALL Veterans,

~    ~    ~    ~





Sandee said...

What a wonderful tribute to your family members who served and to all who are serving.

Have a terrific day. :)

Syd said...

Thanks Sherry. I appreciate all that your family members have done.

This site was recently updated by oxymoron13@aol.com