What a topic for this week's Photo Hunt! Who in the world takes pictures of undesirable things, places and such?
I was planning to skip participation this week - and then I looked through some of my existing photos on the computer. It turns out that I take pictures of things undesirable. Of course, being such an amateur photographer (actually just an amateur picture-taker; don't even qualify to call myself a photographer!) I've taken quite a few undesirable pictures of beautiful places and things.
I ordered some china in this beautiful pattern, and this is the way it arrived. Quite undesirable.
By the way, I still have those pieces, so if anyone uses broken china for arts and crafts, you're welcome to all or some of the pieces.
The view under the kitchen sink used to be undesirable.
Something was undesirable for Harrison on his first birthday. Perhaps it was the hat.
And, yes, I know: being an "ex" everything, I could have posted my own picture.
And further, I resisted posting a photo of the "luv Guv" (Mark Sanford) - or any other politician for that matter. There are some I find very undesirable. :)
To see other undesirable photos, go here.
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PhotoHunt: Undesirable!
Little Annoyances,
Other Stuff,
Photo Hunt
Nice choices! I too end up taking pictures of things that are undesirable. I lucked out with the theme this week because I had an "undesirable" photo that I took while on vacation last December! I knew it would come in handy! ;)
Great take on teh theme. I hoped you raised Cain over the china!
Happy weekend
Yep, I think we all thought, "Who takes pictures of undesirable things?" then we found some!
Well the love gov's wife is divorcing him. Good for her. Perhaps she can find someone who can keep his vows. Is that possible anymore. Just asking.
Have a terrific day. :)
Post the Luv Guv anytime you want. The world must never forget! :-p What a jerk.
Sorry about your china. :( It's beautiful, too.
My Photo Hunt: Undesirable is up. I hope you have time to visit. Have a good weekend.
Perfect for the photo hunt!
I almost didn't participate this week . . . your first photo would have inspired me.
But I did get a last minute idea, so: mine's up! (http://cybercoven.org/wordpress/?p=916)
Sad, sad, sad. Good job.
Oh no! That's a lot of damage.
I hope you got refunded or got that china replaced for free! :O
Nice selection of undesirable photos...the kid is so cute. Thanks for sharing!
You did a great job with the theme. That's a shame about the china. Harrison may be unhappy in that pic but what a cutie.
Hahaha ! your findings are great ! I had the same feeling, I wanted to skip this saturday, but then I thought about the water bowl with the swimming mouse !
great choices--I think you should have gone with the love guv, LOL!
Sorry about the china. It almost looks like Limoge. Glad that Jenny S. has more balls than her husband.
Since having ceramic tile installed throughout my lake home, I too have had many photo ops for undesireable subjects; broken dishes, cups, saucers, water glasses, etc. I suppose the list could go on forever, at least until I run out of space on this comment box or until I run out of breakables.
The under the sink pic brings to mind the time I thought I could save some bucks on installing my very own super duper top of the line garbage disposal. The salesman said I could do it easily without calling a plumber and pointed out the pic of the lady in the brochure installing one. The caption was rather sexist (common at the time) in saying that a woman could install the chopper in less than an hours time. After somewhere around five or six hours on the installation, I had a look on my face which was most undesireable (not to mention some of the words coming out of my otherwise Sunday School Manners Mouth). I was torn between wanting to throttle that salesman or going to look for that lady in the brochure to bring home and finish the job. In retrospect, perhaps I should have asked the salesman to provide the lady installer as a condition or the sale.
We Live,We Learn
(at least some of us do)
So funny! I also take undesirable pics!
Just yesterday I took a pic of my 20 yr old daughter when I brought her home from having her wisdom teeth taken out!
Droopy eyes, gauze and all.
I did NOT post it on my blog...but the thought did cross my mind!!
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