Oh, no!
I missed one of my very favorite annual observances this year.
Saturday, December 5th, was Bathtub Party Day – and I missed it. Did you?
This celebration reminds me of one of my all-time favorite poems. It’s by the creative genius/poet Shel Silverstein (1930-1999):
Crowded Tub
There's too many kids in this tub.
There's too many elbows to scrub.
I just washed a behind
That I'm sure wasn't mine,
There's too many kids in this tub.
For years I read stories and poems weekly to elementary school students. They all loved this poem, as well as most others by Silverstein.
Now that I’ve missed one of my favorite observances, I am hereby officially reminding myself of another favorite that comes up next Wednesday, December 16th: National Chocolate-covered Anything Day.
Those are both fun days and observances, one in the past, one in the future.
Today, though, is another special day - National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. It’s a day to be reminded of Pearl Harbor but also a good time to say “thank you” to all veterans and to all current members of our military.
So, a big “THANK YOU” to all!
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I haven't heard of either of those, but I will take a national bath tub day while I dip myself in chocolate any day!
Oh drat...I missed it too. Bwahahahahaha.
Have a terrific day. :)
I don't think that I missed the bathtub thing and I am glad.
My kids love Silverstein.
I remembered Pearl Harbor Day with memories of walking on the USS Arizona memorial and being haunted by knowing all the names I read on the wall were buried underneath me.
Don't care about the bathtub celebration, but National Anything Chocolate Covered Day hits me where I live. Lucky for me, chocolate treats come in all kinds of wonderful sugar-free varieties. I'm not diabetic, but I can't have sugar.
Great post.
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