
PH: Curved - A Day Late and a Dollar Short?

Well, yes and no.  Yes, I'm a day late in posting for this week's Photo Hunt but not just one dollar short; I'm lots of dollars short!  It's that time of year, you know.

The theme for the Photo Hunt is "curved."  Loads of possibilities for the theme.  I decided to go with curved architecture and what better place to find interesting architectural curves than Venice, Italy? 

(click on photos to "bigify")

To see the curves from other Photo Hunt participants, go here.

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Anonymous said...

You've got a ton of great curves here. Makes me itch for a plane ticket. But like you, I'm more than a dollar short this year.

Anonymous said...

Great 'curves' post...hey we're all late somewhere so who cares...deadlines are over rated. At least you got yours up...I didn't..sigh.

jams o donnell said...

Wonderful! a cornucopia of curves!

Carver said...

You took some wonderful photographs in Venice. What a great idea for this week's photohunt.

RJ Flamingo said...

What a fabulous series of curves, Sherry! I've never been to Italy, but it's on the list. :-) Thank you for visiting my post!

Marites said...

Italy! gosh, those curves are enticing. I hope someday i'll be able to visit the country. Happy PH! Mine is here.

Ingrid said...

Italy ! I saw it on the first glance, lol ! yes there are a lot of curves !

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Oh! absolutely gorgeous! Love the architecture...It always amazes me to see the details on structures taht were built way back when! How in the world did they do this without all the modern equipment, etc???

Blessings & Aloha!
(thank you for stopping in and commenting...I am right there with you on being behind with blog reading!) ...oh love your Christmas blog header :o)

Rebecca Ramsey said...

And I love your header. Hugs to you!

Syd said...

Nice architectural photos. And thanks for starting the Christmas parade of boats--it was a lot of fun. We've been rowing since 1998 in this parade.

Scott Law said...

Great job and worth the wait. I love Venice, I used to live about 40 miles North in a town named Conegliano. I would get to Venice every chance I got. One of my favorite cities to visit in the World.

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

I am backtracking... but I had to comment on your fabulous photos. I love Venice.
Great c!

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