
Where Do You Earn THAT Degree?

Every once in a while I get e-mails about job openings from various sources. Last week, there was one that really interested me. Good job, good benefits, good pay and really interesting work.

And it seemed that I met all of the requirements and had the right qualifications. Then I saw a section about “preferred qualifications” – above and beyond those required. One preference was for an advanced degree, which I have in law, but several possibilities were listed. One of those concerned me and made me really wonder about that job.

Listed at two different places was this advanced degree: Masters in Pubic Health.

What school offers THAT degree? What all do you study to earn such a degree? Perhaps there’s a course in anatomy, maybe one involving human behavior or social behavior. I actually took a course called Human Sexuality in college but not because I was working toward a degree in Pubic Health. 

(I hate to admit it but I almost failed Human Sexuality. Which, of course, is crazy because, by exam time, my husband and I were expecting our second child. I told the professor I knew what to do but just didn’t know what to call it!)

In earning a Masters in Pubic Health, does a student have lab work? Does it involve independent study?

Forget those job listings. I think I’ll go back to school to get a Masters in Pubic Health. Since I’ve given birth to three children and been married more than once, maybe I can start off ahead of the game with credits for life experiences. I ought to be able to get this advanced degree in almost no time at all!


Patricia Rockwell said...

Although the field of Public Health wasn't around when I was working on my undergraduate degree, it exists at many institutions today. My nephew's wife actually has her BA in Public Health. Graduates work often work for non-profit health organizations or develop public service announcements about health issues.

Unknown said...

Patricia: Yes, I've heard of a degree in Public Health but this job listed a degree in PUBIC Health.

Patricia Rockwell said...

OMG, Sherry, you are right! I missed that one. Maybe it's offered in the Gynecology Department.

Syd said...

Good one Sherry! I think that I'll stick to the job that I have.

Sandee said...

Pubic Health is probably a very difficult field of study. Bwahahahahahaha. Types kill me, they really do.

Have a terrific day. :)

kayerj said...

HA! that was funny, good luck on the degree.

Lee said...

LMAO!! I think I already have that masters too!! After all, I have been examined enough to know that my pubic is healthy!

Lee said...

PS. You rock and I am a new follower!!

Unknown said...

LOL, I'll have to tell my neighbor about this one as she has a masters in PUBLIC health!

Thanks for visiting my blog today.

Kathy said...

Oh, geez. I missed that spelling the first time. Now all they need is someone working there with a degree in business communications.Yikes!

Bobby Allan said...

Do they give you credit for life experience because if they do, I might already have this degree.

Liz Mays said...

Oh pubic health! I wonder how much that field pays.

bpenick said...

Well Sherry, I have a Masters in PUBLIC Health. And I used to work with Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Wonder if that would count?

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Oh my! Oh my! haha and to think that I just called for my annual "Well-woman" appt, this morning! Timing is everything!

I am the queen of typos, so love to read or hear about other bloopers out there!

And your commenters comments cracked me up too!

Um...I agree with Syd, I'll stick with my career choice and the artwork that I do!

Blessings & Aloha!

The Retired One said...

Hilarious!!! I think they need to also hire an editor. ha

I have been meaning to ask you..how are you doing? I know you lost your husband not so long ago and you seem so upbeat and positive. I know you must still be in shock over your loss and grieving. A lot. Please know you are in my thoughts.

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