Words. What a topic for the weekly Photo Hunt! I've always been amazed that people who paint signs, print posters and erect signs don't check for correct spellings. Here are three examples. Do you see the incorrect spellings?
Some words make us smile - like these from someone named Bryan that were on a sign in my neighborhood several months ago:
Bryan probably smiled when he saw this word in reply:
Words send a definite message, don't they? The word on this license tag sends some sort of message. I didn't take this photo -- and the car and tag are not mine!
Words should be selected very carefully. Otherwise, they might send the wrong message, like on the signs below. I didn't take the first photo and don't remember how I ended up with it; I took the second and third ones from inside my car.
Words often cause pain or hurt. That's something I experienced earlier this week. There were words I wish I could take back but I can't.
The words in the following pictures reflect pain, victimization, tragedy and so much more. I took these at the concentration camp at Mauthausen. If you click to enlarge the second picture, you might be able to read some of the words scratched into the walls.
To see what other bloggers did with this week's theme, click here.
What a selection of words. I love the spelling errors. Others are heart warming, others are tragic.
Happy weekend
Those are pretty funny signages. BTW, there's a meme now hosted by Tink that shows off signages, you might want to play along. It's at
Thanks for the visit.
Very thoughtful post, today, Sherry. The power of words. :-)
Great,funny words! thanks for visiting!
cool collection of wordy signage. I love the one of Bryan. :) that's cute. :)
thanks for visiting my PH!
The sign proposal is so sweet! I've got to use that in a book some time.
Great selection of words. Awesome post. And thanks for visiting.
A great selection on the theme! The proposal was sweet especially that she answered back that way. The last pictures were very sad.
Lol ! a very nice word collection !
Like the one of the church, by all means they try to get people in ! At least with humour !
Jams: You're such a loyal visitor to this blog. I'm glad you saw the many feelings behind the words.
Pacey: Thanks for the information. I might try that.
To ALL: Thank you very much for taking time to stop by and to post a thought or two.
RJ Flamingo: You are certainly right about the power of words. Sometimes I think that words are the most powerful tools we have, at least in personal and professional relationships. The person who said "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me" was wrong, wrong, wrong.
Great post. So many good examples of different types of words and uses for them -- ones that make me laugh, smile and also tear up. Oh, the humanity -- for better and worse.
Definitely some funny finds! Thanks for the visit :)
I thoroughly enjoyed this post!! We had many a hearty laugh and somber moment with all these photographed words.
Very good post. We all have words we wish we could take back in our pasts, I think. Very thoughtful selection, I like the misspellings.
You started funny... but left me thinking.
Fantastic collection of words, reflecting the compleXities of life ~ silly, sweet, irreverant and tragic. Great post!
PS: Nodding in agreement with your "sticks & stones" reply.
Great selection of words. Thought provoking and funny.
an interesting collection of words, my favorite--men working when flashing!
Excellent post for the theme. The misspellings made me laugh.
These are great Sherry. I had to laugh at the well hung meat.
What a fun photo hunt! I really need to have my camera with me at ALL times! I have been out and about and have totally had some missed opportunities when it comes to funny or strange signs, and such!
Thanks for these :o)
Blessings & Aloha!
What a fun photo hunt! I really need to have my camera with me at ALL times! I have been out and about and have totally had some missed opportunities when it comes to funny or strange signs, and such!
Thanks for these :o)
Blessings & Aloha!
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