
PH: ORANGE - in Sports, Recreation, Nature and Even Politics???

What fun I had with this week's Photo Hunt theme.  It's orange.  What in the world would I find that was orange?

As it turns out, there's a whole lot of orange around us.  And I even came across a picture that's over 25 years old that has orange in it. 

Sometimes there's orange in beautiful sunrises and sunsets. 
Do you see the orange halo around this Summerville street lamp?
I just happened to see an orange bike in a local parking lot.
Heavy machinery might be orange, like these two pieces of equipment at a local rental place.
The name of my blog might be "EX Marks the Spot" but, in these next three pictures, orange marks the spot - or spots - for work to be done.  Orange paint, orange flags, orange signs.
Okay, here's the really old photo - over 25 years old.  Tree, my son (now an attorney in DC who will kill me if he sees this photo) is wearing an orange life jacket.  Behind him are nephews Ross and Rodney (partially hidden) and daughter Tiffany.  Yep, they'll ALL kill me!
Yes, I'm being grandma again.  Orange gave me the opportunity to share another picture of grandson Harrison.
Quite a few sports teams have orange as one of their colors.
In South Carolina, orange means the Clemson Tigers.  Their blood runs orange.
And speaking of South Carolina, here's a picture from The State newspaper of Mark Sanford, our "Luv Guv."  If you're not from South Carolina, "orange" you glad he's not your governor?
To see other Photo Hunt participants and their orange posts, click here.     


RJ Flamingo said...

I think I once read, several fashion seasons ago, that orange was the new black. I don't think that ever caught on, because orange is such an attention-getter - which you proved! Great selection (and luv your two-faced governor... the photo, that is!)

CY said...

Wow, so many orange pics! Mine is also a sunset pictures. Have a nice weekend. :) CY


Teena in Toronto said...

Wow! You've got quite an array of orange!

I played too :)

jams o donnell said...

Haha a gerat selection of orange shots! Happy weekend

Unknown said...

Well, I guess you just about covered orange! I love the one of your kids when they were younger. Your grandson is adorable and the name Harrison is great!

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Orange you glad you're a part of the photohunt? :-)

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Entertaining as always!! Loved the photos, all of them. :)

I hope you can come visit my "orange" stuff at New York Traveler.net. :)

Have a great weekend!

kayerj said...

nice collection of orange. my photo hunt is here Thanks

marta said...

Great selection of different items in orange. I'm amazed at some of the diversity. And nice touch on the last photo. :)

YTSL said...

Heheh re your comments re your children killing you if they knew you put their childhood photo up. And love that shot of the orange motorbike! ;b

bonggamom said...

I'm impressed that you were able to find so many orange photos. My husband would absolutely love that orange bike. Okay, maybe not the color, but he'd love the bike.

PS: I'm back on the hunt!
Here's my entry

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Wow, what a collection. I am not sure how Mr Sanford got in, but whatever color he prefers ;-)

Have a great weekend.

Alice Audrey said...

Tree looks so worried. Was he getting splashed?

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Sherry! I love to think of you out and about with your camera on your hunt for oranges things! :o)

I love the orange sunset! and it's always fun to see old photos! What a cute little guy in his orange life jacket :o)

and of coure, your cute little grandson!

Blessings & Aloha!

(also, my hubby drew your name as one of the recipients for a gift certificate to be used towards a Personalized Sketch of ANY name & ANy subject of your choice... please leave a comment on my latest post. I'd love to hear what ideas you are interested in.)

LifeRamblings said...

a great series of orange stuff. i love the bike, how cool!

Syd said...

Pretty funny about the Luv Guv. I wonder how much longer he can keep the hounds at bay.

Sara Katt said...

Lots of ORANGE! Well done!

Sandee said...

I love your new look. Awesome. :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Tons of wonderful orange shots. As for your governor, hmmmm. Even in Canada we know who he is. LOL

This site was recently updated by oxymoron13@aol.com