
How Close is Too Close for E-mail???

New neighbors are moving in next door.

When I met the husband half of the couple two days ago, he mentioned that his wife was looking for employment. I suggested a particular link on the web that might be beneficial and said I would e-mail the link to them, which I did.

I just received a reply from the wife half of the couple. She thanked me, then said she felt silly e-mailing someone who was just next door.

This reminded me of something.

My ex-husband and I met on the internet but not on one of the dating sites or anything similar. Somehow, we just ran across each other accidentally when we were involved with or researching the same topic somehow – history, politics, government; I don’t remember exactly what.

Shortly, we were e-mailing each other back and forth about things going on in South Carolina, where we both lived. This went on and on – about state politics, shipwrecks (his ventures), word oddities and more – for hours and hours, then days and days, then weeks and weeks. We figured we logged over 500 hours chatting with each other on-line before we ever had a first date.

After we got married, we sometimes e-mailed each other from within the SAME house! Isn’t that crazy? It’s much sillier than neighbors e-mailing each other.

Of course, this may be one of the reasons we are now exes; we communicated much better online than in person, I guess.

(In case you’ve read much on this blog, yes, he’s the same one who is now married to my cousin, so he is now my cousin-by-marriage!)


Martha said...

Sherry, I will sometimes e-mail my office mate when she's sitting across the office from me if I don't want everyone to hear what I'm saying. Sounds crazy, I know but I do it.

Sandee said...

Hubby and I still email each other often. We emailed each other before we got together. Okay we already loved each other, but just didn't do anything about it for a few years.

You ex is married to your cousin? That must make for weird family reunions. Just saying.

Have a terrific day. :)

Hit 40 said...

Since you have not met the new neighbor, she probably should have stopped by in person. Especially since she is out of work!! The more people that you meet and shake hands with...

the better the chance at a job. Overall, I do not find it silly to email anyone. Much quicker than face to face. Life is so rushed now. Texting also rocks!! Quicker than a voice mail.

Hit 40 said...

Since you have not met the new neighbor, she probably should have stopped by in person. Especially since she is out of work!! The more people that you meet and shake hands with...

the better the chance at a job. Overall, I do not find it silly to email anyone. Much quicker than face to face. Life is so rushed now. Texting also rocks!! Quicker than a voice mail.

Syd said...

There was a program on 60 minutes about a husband and wife who emailed within the same house. I thought it was odd. I guess I much prefer talking face to face.

Jessica said...

My husband and I instant message each other from different rooms in the same house. My daughter (age 9)and I play "go fish" online - she in her room, me in my office in the spare room!

I like it, but there are many conversations we have in person, as well - it's not an either/or kind of thing - we just do what works best depending on the time or subject.

This site was recently updated by oxymoron13@aol.com