
Just a Cheesy Discussion

            Not long ago, Mom asked, “What’s the thing with pimento cheese?”

            I wondered aloud what she meant by “the thing.”

            Her reply was something about so many people raving about pimento cheese as though it’s something newly discovered.

            I knew what she was talking about.   Pimento cheese seems to have popped up lately on menus in all types of restaurants.  There are magazine and newspaper articles promoting pimento cheese in and of itself and also as a “new” topping for hamburgers and hot dogs or something to include in meat loaves and various other staples.  Maybe it’s just a food fad for folks.

            Sometimes pimento cheese is placed in prominent displays near the front of grocery stores, a special of the week. 

            Yep, I knew exactly what Mom meant.  I don’t think I’ve ever  - and I do mean ever - been to a church picnic, a family reunion or a church covered-dish dinner where there was no pimento cheese.  Pimento cheese sandwiches are a staple of gatherings around these parts.

            Several South Carolina restaurants have included pimento cheese as a choice on hamburgers for a long time.  For many years, it was, in fact, the signature item at one Columbia restaurant. 

            However, I’ll admit that the jalapeno pimento cheese sold in many grocery stores  is relatively new to me, and I love it!  Of course, being a certifiable cheese-aholic, I don’t find many cheeses or cheesy items I don’t like. 

            Mom’s going to be real surprised when she learns that one of the newest food fads is another staple: macaroni and cheese. 


1 comment:

Syd said...

Maybe the new generation is just learning about pimento cheese. What is old is now new??

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