
PhotoHunt: These Rocks Rock

Rocks! What a topic for a weekly PhotoHunt!!! Or at least that's what I thought at first. Maybe I would capture photos of diamonds, often referred to as "rocks." Or of a rock band that really rocks.

Somewhere - and it's no telling where - I have a photo that I took of Ayers Rock in Australia, the world's largest monolith. What a climb that was!!!

Finally, I settled on these rocks. They're all on the short street where Mom lives. Just about every yard has rocks incorporated into the landscaping.

Aw, shoot! Why didn't I just go with rock salt?!!?!

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For photos from other participants in PhotoHunt, click HERE.


aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love rocks in gardens. I just really think they complete everything.

jams o donnell said...

I love that the rocks are part of teh gardens. Far better than removing them. Have a great weekend!

Hootin Anni said...

LOL on the rock salt comment. But...truly, your photos you've chosen to share are fabulous.

Have a super Saturday.

Lynn said...

I love rocks too incorporated in my lawn. And that rock salt thing is funny! :D

Tara R. said...

I love big rocks like this. A perfect compliment to a lush garden.

Shoshana said...

Those are impressive pile of rocks, indeed.

RJ Flamingo said...

These are beautiful, Sherry! I love rocks in the landscape - we're thinking of doing something like that in our yard - it's just such a great element! Thanks for visiting and have a great weekend!

YTSL said...

I'm glad you didn't go with just rock salt (not least because I've already come across a Photo Hunter who did!)! :D

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Nice photos! We have some of those rocks around here in yards, just a little smaller, and close enough to the driveways for the snowplows to bang into every season....

My Photo Hunters is up, too. I hope you have a little time to visit. :)

Mrs. Mecomber

Have a good weekend!

SnoopyTheGoon said...

A very nice collection of rocks.

Have a great weekend!

Carver said...

Those rocks are great. Wonderful shots!

Sarge Charlie said...

they do rock.........

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

There will be lots of ROCKS this week! good photohunt~

kayerj said...

nice rocks, they look great with the plantings. my photo hunt is here Thanks

marta said...

Those are great rocks. It is always fun to see how people use rocks in gardens.

Kranky Granny said...

Many of the yards here have everything from pebbles to boulders as part of the landscaping. It is the only way to make use of them.

I only have a few small enough for me to lift and wish I could afford the hugh cost of getting a giant one moved to my small rock garden.

Thanks for stopping by.

Tiglizzyclone said...

Nice photos! Wish we had some rocks like those in our back yard... or rather lived in a place where we could have rocks like those!

Thanks for the comment on my blog!

bing said...

never thought rocks could be as interesting... nice take today!

Anonymous said...

Rocks are a greta natural feature for gardens - besides, it is far easier than dragging them out! LOL

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Lovin' this photo hunting and the rocks that you found...Cool! Now how do I get to participate? Is it from your blog or from a link for what to photograph?..Oh, I know, I am the world's worst info blogger! HELP???
Huggles, Margaret

gigi said...

Or you could have gone with Rock Star!
Loved your rather large rocks.

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