
Back-to-School for Seniors

Going back to school after decades is a real experience - in many ways.

I started law school two months before turning 55 and graduated at the age of 57.

Although it is strongly recommended that students not work while attending law school, especially during the first year, I didn't have that luxury. My classes were night, late afternoon and Saturday ones.

People often ask what it was like being an older or non-traditional student.

Well, here's what I noticed as the biggest difference. With those evening sessions, my classmates couldn't wait to get out of class to have a beer.

I couldn't wait to get out of class to go to the bathroom!

It's an age thing!


Sandee said...

I can so relate to this one. I too was the older college student. I did have an occasional cocktail though.

Have a terrific day. :)

Patricia Rockwell said...

Check out Back to School for Grown-Ups. Flit did a post today about non-traditional students.

Anonymous said...

My daughter (age 38) is studying to be an anesthesiologist full time and working full time with a 4.0 grade point average (just bragging) When she first mentioned it to me I was dumb enough to say "But you'll be FORTY before you're finished" followed quickly by: "But you'd be 40 even if you didn't go for it"

Whew. Think fast old woman, think fast.

So.....how's it feel? And are you going to sue me for anything I "might" have been doing on my blog???

storyteller said...

Thanks for the chuckles and the 'validation' ... I returned to Adult School to take Photoshop classes last year and can so relate to this!!!
Hugs and blessings,

This site was recently updated by oxymoron13@aol.com