I've baked so many pound cakes in the last 24 hours that I've lost count!
This little area is where I've stuck myself this year to do Christmas baking. Notice the sheet on the floor? Since I'm always in a hurry and looking for short-cuts, I put a sheet and pillowcase out where I usually spill or drop flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, chocolate and a little of everything else. At the end of the day, I just pick up the sheet from the floor and the pillowcase from the counter and put them in the wash with other dirty linens. No sweeping, no mopping, no scrubbing. Instant clean!
Maybe you think I'm lazy; maybe you think it's innovative. It doesn't matter to me 'cause I like not having to do all that cleaning when I'm already worn out.
Now, if I could just find someone to assemble the ride-on toy for my grandson! I've never seen so many pieces and parts for one toy in my life!!
* * * *
great idea--I just let my husband clean it up :)
Merry Christmas.
I love this idea and could have used it yesterday. I made a mess making pies. I've still not cleaned everything up. Oh well, now I know what to do.
Have a terrific day and may you and yours have a very Merry Christmas. :)
You are so smart. I'm officially adopting this technique and naming it after you.
Merry Christmas, friend!
I love innovation and efficiency. A woman after my own heart.
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