Just a few days until THE football rivalry in South Carolina. It's the Carolina-Clemson game, or, as some folks say, the Clemson-Carolina game.
I am a graduate of the University of South Carolina. So was my dad. Several other family members are USC grads also.
Daughter Mandy, however, left the "religion" and married into a die-hard Clemson family. I believe their blood literally runs orange. :)
And, now, look at what they've done to my grandson, Harrison.
How in the world can I be on a different side from this cute little one?
Based on the season so far, the orange team is likely to prevail.
And, just for the record, I wouldn't trade my orange-blooded son-in-law, Adam, for any number of USC grads.
Now, for musings on recent news:
1. I am totally amazed by the news this week concerning the man who was in a coma for 23 years but now has let people know that he has been alert all along or practically all along! He could hear what was going on around him and was aware but couldn't let anyone know!!! Does this make you wonder how many times this has happened with others?
2. There were two stories about children with autism. Since I have a nephew with autism, these stories always catch my attention.
One has to do with the mother who said she helped her son and actually saved his life by baking medical marijuana into his brownies. She and one of the doctors say that this treatment has made a major difference in the boy's health and behavior. It has also lessened his need for many of the medications he was taking previously. Critics say this means the boy is constantly drugged or "stoned."
The other item is about the boy with autism who survived for 11 days on the NYC subway system. He says he survived on snacks and water.
Both of these stories are truly "food for thought." One thing I know is that people with autism cannot be judged the same as others. Perhaps "judged" is the wrong word. Regardless, especially for those with more than minor autistic symptoms, their world is different. And so is the world for - and daily lives of - their families.
Other Wordless Wednesday participants here. Other Wordful Wednesday participants here.
WW: Football and Musings from the News - Comas and Autism
Food for Thought,
Other Stuff,
South Carolina,
Wordful Wednesdays,
Wordless Wednesdays
Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for visiting my blog!
Children have a way of keeping us real. Grandchildren can be an experience of sometimes re identifying who we are when we realize there can be no side taking which divides us.
Grandbabies are far more precious and fun then our children. It's just the way it is.
Have a terrific day and a very Happy Thanksgiving. :)
Adorable shot of your grandson. When you said Carolina I immediately think of the University of North Carolina (UNC) where both of my parents, two of my siblings, most aunts, uncles and cousins graduated from. When I married an NCSU (called State here) graduate and my mother was still alive, she adored my husband so much she would be a little less loud about the State/Carolina rivalry. I went to UNCG and NCSU but am not a big sports fan, so I can root for UNC and State. When they played each other more, especially basketball, I could be happy no matter who won since I knew someone I loved would be happy. Worked out well for me, ha.
I hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving.
We have that same rivalry in Georgia with University of Georgia and Georgia Tech. It can get pretty loud sometimes.
If I had an autistic child, I would do whatever it took to make her better. Even if that included medical marijuana.
My grandson has Tourette's syndrome--it is not bad, yet, he is only 7. But, I know exactly what you mean when you talk about things being different for the family of these special children. It is so very different that the only way you would know how it is, is to be a part of it.
That coma story seriously has me shaking my head...have a great Thanksgiving- no matter who wins =)
I don't know how you could side against him--he's just too cute. Happy Thanksgiving
I hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving
Your grandson is precious. Happy Thanksgiving.
I heard about all three stories too. AMAZING! I'm fortunate that my autistic son is high functioning so he is beginning to articulate for the rest of us about what the world is like to him. A huge break through early in life was when he was able to articulate why he hated the bath so much. Turns out he wants the water to be ice cold...not "warm" "lukewarm" or "hot." Now he's able to articulate that he doesn't think in terms of words, like most people. He thinks in pictures and then has to go through an extra step of translating pictures into words in order to communicate with the rest of us.
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