Are there any commercials that you simply cannot stand?
I don't watch TV all that much but there's one commercial which gets on my nerves, and it seems to air every time I watch TV. I won't name the company but the ad features a talking pothole or manhole. The female voice is shrill and has a whine to it.
There are others that I don't especially like or that I think aren't very effective. This one, though, irritates me like crazy!
Are there some that perturb you? If so, which ones?
I hate that commercial too! And I don't like the Hughes Net commercials where their spokeswoman moves her hands in such an unnatural and forced way. (I've decided it must be the director because they've gone through three spoke people and all of them do it.)
I love that commercial! It's not as bad as "apply directly to the forehead..." however!
We have televisions, but none are connected to anything. We gave up watching that idiot box a few years back. Best decision ever. So in answer to your question...There's not a single commercial that irritates me.
Have a terrific day. :)
I agree with Will. I love the pothole commercial--maybe because I broke my ankle falling in one once, so I want a loud, shrill voice warning me when one is near.
I'm sick of Viagra, Cialis and the talking Gecko.
I actually love that commercial. It cracks me up!
Ah ... that's what DVRs are for, right? I just fast forward through ALL the commercials and have for YEARS now! I'm celebrating my 1st Blogoversary at Happily Retired Gal and sharing photos of Molly at Dog Beach at Small Reflections. Happy Thanksgiving ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
I hate Carl's Jr. commercials. all that smacking and chewing with the mouth open and food falling out of the mouth--you couldn't pay me to eat there.
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