Our family is sorta – well, I don’t know the word to use. Some folks are nice and describe us as “unique.” Others might say “interesting.”
“Weird” and “off-the-wall” might be more appropriate terms.
If I had kept copies of all of the e-mails exchanged between and among us, I believe there’d be a book there. It takes volumes of e-mails for us to plan anything and then for us to comment and respond to comments by others. The thread just goes on and on and on.
There’s Mom; five siblings (in various stages of spouses and/or spouse-lessness); 14 grandchildren and one step-grandchild (ranging from about 3 to almost 35); spouses of four of those; and four great-grandchildren.
Yep, it takes a lot of back and forth to organize.
Just last week, there was another example of our crazy e-mail exchanges.
Since we’re approaching Thanksgiving, a time when most of our family members are able to gather at Mom’s, I e-mailed all, letting them know I’d be taking a corn casserole and a broccoli casserole for our meal. I also suggested it would be nice if others would follow suit and let us all know what they’d be taking.
Brother Shawn replied that he’d be taking Catherine, Kendall and Spencer (his wife and their two children.)
Brother Rod answered, “I’m taking a nap – after I eat.”
So much for planning ahead.
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that's too funny! Sounds like a good time will be had at Thanksgiving!
Notice how the men thing of just eating and napping and the women are left with the cooking and cleaning. What's up with that?
Have a terrific day. :)
that is an enormous family. I can't even imagine cooking for that many people!!
I'll be taking along a pair of sweats to change into after I eat. I need the elastic waist.
I'll be taking a zanax to deal with my insane family.
I'm following now!!
It sounds like a good time for you and others. Enjoy!
What a great family photo!
I'll have a nap too, please!
Sounds like a fun holiday to me !
sounds like a pretty clever family. I know you'll enjoy it.
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