First, a little background. Over the years I’ve had two back surgeries, including a fusion. Overall, both surgeries were successful and brought tremendous relief.
However, on occasion I have severe pain in the lower back, the left hip and down the left leg. This is brought on or aggravated by long periods of sitting in the same position, especially when driving a long distance. It is also aggravated by walking while toting heavy items.
Over the Thanksgiving weekend, I was involved in sitting in the same position for a long period as well as walking while toting heavy items, so I spent most of Thanksgiving weekend in excruciating pain.

I zonked out – totally.
I also slept through Sunday School and church. Usually I get up between 4 a.m. and 6 a.m., so 11:28 was like a whole extra night’s sleep.
So, what’s the big deal?
Well, the deal is that I’m the Sunday School teacher! And I slept through Sunday School!
If there’s a positive side to this, it’s that I teach a class of adults, not little children. There wasn’t much chance that class members would leave and run in the road or cause other problems or harm to themselves.
Still, I was totally embarrassed. I e-mailed class members to apologize and got all kinds of responses.
At least if they cut my pay in half, it won’t make much of a difference. After all, half of zero is still zero.
Just the same, I am embarrassed!
Have you ever done anything embarrassing like this? What? Share -- just so I'll feel better!
I shouldn't mom has had 3 gotta rest chickie!!
Nothing to be embarrassed about IMHO, and you notified everyone as soon as you were able.
Have some of the same problems as you do and currently entertaining a severe muscle spasm for the past two weeks that just won't go away. Hoping for a deep tissue massage appointment today!
Take care of yourself!
It's okay. I think that you needed that rest. I've forgotten some things before but never slept that late since I was a teenager.
I have had many embarrassing moments. Sleeping in is just one of them, but there was the time I almost stole another child. You can read about it on my website, as I was inspired to write about it after reading your post. My website address is Take care.
Yes, I've done embarrassing things like this. Way too many to chronicle here. I could write a book. Don't worry. Things will be fine. Everyone does something like this at one time or another.
The important question here...How's your back?
Have a terrific day. :)
Goodness sakes, Sherry!! You must have needed the rest and relaxation, and I am sure that the Sunday School Class DID/WILL understand..When we feel bad, then rest can get us "goin'" again~!! NO embarassment from sleeping in, but from forgetting names..Arghhh!
.....Thanks for coming by the blog~!! See you soon!
Willy co-teaches a Sunday School Class. Willy has never slept through and missed his teaching assignment - however, there has been a time or two that it appears that the recipients of the lesson wishes Willy had slept through it - either Willy was very boring or they were very tired.
10-4 Willy
things like this happen to everybody! I'm sure your Sunday school class is happy to have such a nice human to teach them. Those were always my favorite teachers - the ones who weren't too determined to be or appear "perfect," (whatever that is, as a Christian :)
things like this happen to everybody! I'm sure your Sunday school class is happy to have such a nice human to teach them. Those were always my favorite teachers - the ones who weren't too determined to be or appear "perfect," (whatever that is, as a Christian :)
Wow! I'm sure you were embarrassed, but I bet your class was worried about your, especially if you've never missed before. You probably needed the extra sleep if you slept that long.
And if God really wanted you there, I'm sure He could've woken you up. I know He does a good job of waking me up in the middle of the night to deal with me on various issues I can ignore during the day. :-)
Oh no! But I'm sure that's exactly what your body needed. And if it gave your class a chance to chat a little, that's okay too! We all need time to reflect with friends over the holidays!
I hope you're feeling better!
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