
WW: Marsh Views at Pawleys Island

Pawleys Island is home to world-famous Pawleys Island hammocks made by local artisans/ropemakers.
The resort town's slogan is "Arrogantly Shabby."

Pawleys Island, South Carolina, located 70 miles north of Charleston and 25 miles south of Myrtle Beach, is
known as one of the oldest summer resorts on the East Coast. 
(information taken from Town of Pawleys Island web site.)

The families of rice planters who owned plantations on the nearby rivers first settled Pawleys Island in the early 1700's. The planters knew that it was unhealthy for their families to remain on the rivers during the summer and that the seashore was much healthier. Even though they didn't know about malaria in the 1700's, they knew enough to get away! They moved their families, horses, cows, bedding, provisions and furniture to Pawleys in May of each year, where they remained until the first frost in November!

From this leisurely existence has developed the charm of Pawleys that still remains. Also still remaining are 12 residences in the historic district, which date from the late 1700's to the mid 1800's. Pawleys continues to be known for its shoeless, carefree, laid-back life style, which includes crabbing in the adjacent creeks, fishing, the stories of ghosts, the rope hammocks and the unspoiled, unsophisticated, casual, delightful stretch of wide beach and sand dunes.

More participants in Wordless Wednesday and Wordful Wednesday.


Janet said...

Wow! These shots are wonderful. Thank you for dropping by my blog today for the WW. lol

Wow! What an impressive career of serving at SC House of Representatives. You rock! :)

Syd said...

I enjoy Pawley's. A neat place.

cherie said...

thank you for the visit to my blog, sherry! you are so accomplished! i'm so honored!

taysmommy said...

Pretty pictures! Hubby is hoping to get stationed in Chareleston, if we happen to be lucky enough I'll have to visit!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

HollyB said...

Really neat WW... thanks for stopping by mine! Have a great day!

KayeDean said...

Thanks for the visit to my new blog and my 1st WW. I loev your blog and will try to visit daily!

storyteller said...

Lovely photos and interesting post! Looks like a place I'd enjoy visiting for real. Thanks for sharing and for visiting Happily Retired Gal ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

jams o donnell said...

I love that slogan "Arrogantly shabby" Sounds like a great place to visit!

Ingrid said...

What a nice place and interesting story !

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