
PH: Surprise!!!!

Surprise is the theme for this week's Photo Hunt. Life is full of 'em!!!!

Several years ago, the folks at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, were surprised to have the tallest soldier and the shortest soldier to ever go through MOS training there at the same time. The short one is Tiffany, one of my daughters.

I was surprised when part of my eBay purchase arrived like this!

I was surprised when I forgot that I was boiling eggs on the stove!

Grandson Harrison is surprised about something!

Sometimes people are surprised to learn how one of my brothers, Shawn, teaches children to water-ski. He pulls them on the ground first, behind him running!

This is Shawn's daughter, Kendall. Can't tell if she is laughing at the joy of skiing or at how tired her dad is getting while doing the running & pulling!

My dad took the easy way out years ago, but folks were just as surprised to learn that he pulled us on skis behind a car!!

~ ~ ~ ~

Photo Hunt participants are throughout blogland. Click here to see other surprises this week!


julie said...

fun photos except those broken merchandise and burnt eggs :(

Liz Hinds said...

I've burned boiled eggs too!

The first photo is great!

EG CameraGirl said...

Your life is full of surprises! Sorry about the burned eggs. (I confess that I've done that.) And the broken china is a "crying shame" for which I hope you received compensation.

Ingrid said...

Hahaha ! these are all very funny surprises !

Ladykli said...

I love all your different surprises in your life! You must be very proud of your daughter. An interesting way to learn to water ski!

Here's my surprise

RJ Flamingo said...

Great way to handle the theme, Sherry!

Thanks for visiting mine, this morning!

Unknown said...

a post full of surprises. sorry about your ebay purchase -- but the eggs are kinda funny because I would definitely do that. :P

LifeRamblings said...

nice take on the theme.

sorry about your ebay merchandise and burned eggs.

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

those are some great surprises!

gigi said...

Your Harrison is just precious.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Every one of the photos are great surprises, even the eggs :)

Hope you have a Happy Weekend!
~ Noah and The Bunch

Heidi said...

I loved your post. What a great way to teach kids to water ski. One time my husband forgot that he was boiling eggs and melted a pan on our stove. And now I'm going to check out who Jack and Jill were. Enjoyed the post.
If you'd like to stop by my blog I'm at Cake Crumbs.

Alice Audrey said...

I thought they had regulations about what sizes a soldier could be.

Could you still eat the eggs?

Sandee said...

That's one tall drink of water for sure.

Yikes on the E bay purchase. Beautiful pattern though.

I chuckled on the eggs. I've done that one.

Have a terrific day. :)

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Great photos once again!! I love them all. Terrible about your ebay purchase!

And the "waterskiing" story of behind the car takes the cake-- I'd love to do that!

Carver said...

Great post for the theme. I love the shot with your daughter and what a great way to teach children skiing.

Carin said...

Really great surprise pictures! But that ski teaching beats them all! My I would have been very surprised if I had seen it. LOL

kayerj said...

those are some prtty good surprises, especially the boild eggs

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

...wow! he looks about 3 or more heads taller than your daughter :o)

...oh Yuck! on the broken surprise!

...sweet Harrison suprise...

...fun! waterskiing surprise!

(the egg surprise has happened to me...I'd keep that one for a "sh..don't tell anyone" theme!) haha

Blessings & Aloha!

Yami said...

Life is indeed full of surprises.

What are you going to do with the broken Ebay merchandise?

Unknown said...

Thanks to all of you for your comments.

Alice Audrey: Yes, there are height restrictions in the military. Tiffany was 4'11" and he was 6'11".

Yami: I have the broken china available for anyone who would like to use it for crafts and such. I'm not a "crafty" person.

This site was recently updated by oxymoron13@aol.com