
WW: Scenes from Litchfield

Just a few shots from Litchfield Beach, South Carolina.


There are many large oaks at Litchfield and along much of coastal South Carolina, including this one, known as the Broken Oak.

According to the marker, the Broken Oak has been like that for centuries.

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Anonymous said...

Hard to believe those oaks grew from tiny acorns!

Ingrid said...

This broken oak looks very scary ! Nice pictures !

kayerj said...

love the water shot--and that tree, It is amazing. I wonder who is buried there. Thanks for stopping by today.

Sandee said...

It's beautiful too. Can I get my boat in there somehow? Looks like a nice place for a cruise.

Have a terrific day. :)

Syd said...

Oaks are amazing trees.

Hootin Anni said...

From a small acorn a mighty oak grows. This one definitely has a mind of its own...and oh so beautiful.

jams o donnell said...

wow that is a beautiful place. There i nothing more majestic than an oak. Happy WW

SandyCarlson said...

Those are some amazing trees.

'Cross the Pond said...

Photos are amazing!

Kathy said...

That broken oak reminds me of a tree at Longwood Gardens near Philadelphia. There is a tree that's in danger of tearing apart. They have it propped up and secured, with a sign that talks about their efforts to save it. It is one of the oldest trees in the gardens.

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Amazing photos! esp the one ofthe Broken Oak.

Blessings & Aloha!

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