
PH: Artificial

PhotoHunt theme this week is artificial.

There's nothing ARTIFICIAL about Harrison's expression! He's 16 months old & I'm so glad to have my only grandchild back in South Carolina!

And I had to constrain myself this week! Last week, I ended the Photo Hunt post about "low" with a picture of our governor, Mark Sanford, the so-called "luv guv" because of his relationship with his mistress. I SO wanted to use him again for artificial!!!!

Never mind. I changed my mind. A politician who talks about family values, then spends Father's Day with his mistress in Argentina instead of with his wife and four sons seems artificial to me!!!

~ ~ ~

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Teena in Toronto said...

What a cutie!

I played too :)

RJ Flamingo said...

Bit of a cheat, yes, but a fun entry this week!

Thanks for visiting!

Dianne said...

Yep-politicians in general are low and liars.
Your grandbaby is a sweetie!

Dianne said...

Not you of course being low and a liar. : )

Carver said...

Great shot of the beautiful child. Fun post on what you decided not to do.

Annie said...

Your grandson is adorable. And too funny on the luvguv.

Chie Wilks said...

Ohh he is so cute....great shot...little ones expression are all cute

About this politician..it sounds artificial to me too...he got the nerves the talk about family values while he doesn't have none...

Thanks for visiting mine

ApriltheScrapaholic said...

Your grandson is adorable..........yeah the gov makes it for the artificial theme.....very funny.......but he deserves it. And thanks for saying my tree wasn't cheesy! LOL

upto6only said...

your grandson is so adorable.

nice take.

happy weekend

mine is up too

alisonwonderland said...

Harrison is a cutie!

Thanks for stopping by! Happy photo hunting!

LifeRamblings said...

what a cutie pie. happy weekend.

Rebecca Mecomber said...

He is SUCH a jerk, makes my blood boil!!

Mine's up, too! I hope you get some time to visit.

Mrs. Mecomber
New York Traveler Photo Hunt

Photo Cache said...

Sister, you said it right, great minds think alike. See you next week.

What a cute little boy.

Gattina said...

Some men need several "families" apparently. One for fun and one for cooking and raising children.

EG CameraGirl said...

You've got to wonder what's going hrough the minds of politicians who act so stupidly. How can think the public is not going to find out? Boggles the mind.

Little kids are great! They are soo honest. ;-)

YTSL said...

Looks like your grandson's shirt and cap are all natural fabrics too. So... hmmm, guess it's difficult to find artificial elements when it comes to your family! :D

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

this is the ultimate contradiction!

kayerj said...

ha, ha, ha--so artificial

candi said...

What a cutie!Nothing artificial about that!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

adorable "non-artificial" pic of your grandson :o)

hmmmm...no comment about the other pic.

I came over from another blogger...I love reading about you on your profile :o) hmmm...love Family Feud..but wonder about Richard Dawson's "kisses" haha

Fairly new to this blog world...so if ya take a peek at my place, pelase leave a comment on a post, so I know that you were there :o)

Blessings & Aloha!

This site was recently updated by oxymoron13@aol.com