
Photo Hunt: WALKING

The theme for this week's Photo Hunt in blogland is WALKING.

Have you ever seen a cow walking upright? Here's one. Okay, so he's the Chick-fil-A cow, not a real cow.

Someone has been walking in the sand on the beach.

One person walking was The Dawg, but I don't think those are his footprints.

Humans aren't the only ones walking on the beach.

Members of our church choir are walking in the Palm Sunday procession.

Family members participated in the Autism Awareness Walk last fall. Here (standing - just before walking) are Mandy, Lorri, Tree, Mom, Lisa and Nancy.

Lots of people from South Carolina and North Carolina were walking for autism awareness.

To see more participants in Photo Hunt, click here.


Rebecca Mecomber said...

Nice photos! I liked the one with the beach, mmm. Mine is up, too!

Mominin said...

You found lots of walking photos! I love the footprints on the sand!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Wow! That is a lot of walkers walking!!
Great photos for today.
~ The Bunch

marcia@joyismygoal said...

love the footprints and choir robes in the breeze

eastcoastlife said...

The cow walking upright attracted my attention immediately. lol

Deborah said...

Hi Sherry. Thanks for checking out my blog. I'm enjoying yours. BTW-Harrison is quite the dapper young man.

Carver said...

Great take on the theme. I like the way you showed the birds as well as the people walking. Also great showing the autism awareness walk.

RJ Flamingo said...

Okay, you had me at the cow! :-)

Thanks for visiting, and have a great weekend!

Aileni said...

Well trodden indeed.

Tara R. said...

Great selection this week. I love the footprints in the sand and the birds.

Alice Audrey said...

You can really tell by the way he walks that the person in the cow is a guy.

magiceye said...

that's a lot of walking!

thank you for your visit and comment on my blog. hope to see you there more often!

Anonymous said...

Love the footprints on the beach. I've left a few of those myself!

Gattina said...

All pictures are nice but I love the walking cow !! lol !

jams o donnell said...

WHat a wonderful selection of walking shots! Have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

Nice shots. I especially like the footprints.

Sue said...

Great pics for the theme! Happy weekend :)

Sweetly said...

Great take on this weeks theme! i love the footprints and the beach pictures especially!

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Those didn't look like dawg footprints at all... HumMm?

Anonymous said...

Aloha Sherry!!
Great series of pictures for this week's PH theme. I love the footprints:)

Have a great weekend!
http://upcountrysmiles.com Please stop by & visit,
Cindy O

Cold Spaghetti said...

I love the white in the palm Sunday procession!

Ruminations said...

Kewl series of WALKING photos for this week's theme ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

YTSL said...

Re the last couple of pics: nice to see people turning up -- and walking -- for a good cause.

Sarge Charlie said...

this is a winner for the theme, unfortunately I do not get to pick the winner.

Tina said...

very good mix of walks there, although my fave was the foot prints

Anonymous said...

This is a great walking post..I am a retired special education teacher. When I first started there were very few autistic students. That changed very dramatically by the time I retired....

PowersTwinB said...

wow, great photos! Thanks for telling us the story behind each. I had a good laugh with your Methodist article...too cute. Thanks for visiting my hunt!

This site was recently updated by oxymoron13@aol.com