
The Hospital, The Dawg, The Internet

The Dawg had to be hospitalized yesterday. He was scheduled for open heart surgery to replace a valve next Tuesday. Now, it seems that he has developed a pretty bad case of pneumonia. If you'd like to keep up with his likes and dislikes (guess which there are more of?) while he's in the hospital, here's a separate blog. Come visit!

So, I've been spending a lot of time at the hospital. Great folks, great food, nice rooms, but --- I have to use dial-up to get to the internet!!!!!! Can you believe it?
I'm told that it's actually possible to use a wireless connection because the hospital had a system installed last weekend. If so, it doesn't reach to The Dawg's room or to several other places I've tried.
So, guess what my dislike is?


Chatty Crone said...

I wish the Dawg well!

Syd said...

Hope that he is up and about soon.

This site was recently updated by oxymoron13@aol.com