
It's World Smile Day!

Today, October 3rd, is World Smile Day.

Now, if you ask me, everyday ought to be World Smile Day. But someone, somewhere at some point decided today is the day of special observance.

It gives me a chance to share some of my favorite smiles. Can you look at the pictures at guess at what might have caused those smiles?

There are poems, musical lyrics and other great words about smiles. For example, one of my favorites is by an unknown author: Everyone smiles in the same language. Isn’t that SO true? No matter where we happen to be, whatever the other barriers, a smile is universal.

Another is from Chris Hart: All the statistics in the world can’t measure the warmth of a smile.

And then there’s the limerick by Anthony Euwer:
No matter how grouchy you’re feeling,
You’ll find the smile more or less healing.
It grows in a wreath
All around the front teeth –
Thus preserving the face from congealing.

Perhaps on a rainy day, we don’t really want to Let a Smile Be Your Umbrella but a smile certainly brightens up a rainy day. In fact, a smile brightens every day!

Celebrate! Go out and share a smile – or several.


Anonymous said...

Alright, you convinced me. Here's one for you. :-D. Thanks for stopping by!

TxGambit said...

Happy Smile Day!

I always try to smile at everyone, making eye contact... I hate when people don't look me in the eyes. I feel they are trying to hide something or lack confidience.

This site was recently updated by oxymoron13@aol.com