
Wait! It's Weight Watchers!

Well, enough people showed up tonight, so we’re going forward with Weight Watchers!
Will I be able to do this? I don’t know. There’s a big catered dinner tomorrow night – featuring Shealy’s BBQ (wonderful stuff!)
There’s a family reunion coming up. Then there’s brother Rod’s surgery on Monday. I tend to eat when I’m anxious or nervous - or sad or happy or anything else. In other words, whatever the emotion, I eat.
I love cheese, chocolate, pound cake, white wine, pizza, ice cream – the list goes on and on. How in the world will I be able to handle Weight Watchers???? And where was the baked potato, loaded with butter and cheese and other good stuff?
Daughter Tiffany is coming home for a few days next weekend. Surely we have to go out to eat or have a special dinner at home. Do I dare have the house full of things like Melba toast, no-fat milk, asparagus, cauliflower and such?
What happens to my much-anticipated snacks?
I just read through the hand-outs from Weight Watchers. They left out boiled peanuts! There’s no five-cheese lasagna on the list. And dark chocolate is a health food. Did they forget that one?
Well, as they say, take it one week at a time or even one day at a time.
I need to look at one hour at a time!

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